For Your Consideration

Best Classical Solo Vocal Album

Were I With Thee

Album cover of Were I With Thee by Michelle Areyzaga, soprano and Dana Brown, piano

Michelle Areyzaga, soprano

Dana Brown, piano

Producer: Aaron Gottl

Mix engineer: Shelby Lock

Recording engineer: Matthew Peckham

"One of the finest art song CDs ever" -Artsong Update

"Five Stars: A fascinating idea, brilliantly realized both in terms of programming and of execution" -Fanfare

"Soprano Michelle Areyzaga is one of those treasured singers who creates gold out of everything she touches, conceiving compelling projects and executing them with exceptional skill." -NATS Journal of Singing

Michelle Areyzaga, soprano

Dana Brown, piano

"One of the finest art song CDs ever." -Artsong Update

"Five Stars: A fascinating idea, brilliantly realized both in terms of programming and of execution" -Fanfare

"Soprano Michelle Areyzaga is one of those treasured singers who creates gold out of everything she touches, conceiving compelling projects and executing them with exceptional skill." -NATS Journal of Singing

Contemporary American art songs with words by women

Were I With Thee by soprano Michelle Areyzaga and pianist Dana Brown is an album of contemporary American art songs all featuring words by women including Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Parker, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Gabriela Mistral. Many tracks are world-premiere recordings and/or by women composers Patrice Michaels and Gwyneth Walker. Were I With Thee is conceived as a female-uplifting project in every way.

If short on time, we suggest starting with Gwyneth Walker's Emily! From New England (track 20-end).

Produced by Aaron Gottl, Were I With Thee was recorded in Ganz Concert Hall in Chicago by engineer Matthew Peckham, and mixed and mastered by Shelby Lock.

Were I With Thee has been entered into the categories Best Classical Solo Vocal Album and Best Engineered Album, Classical.

"At Last! to Be Identified," by Richard Pearson Thomas, words by Emily Dickinson

"My Letter to the World," from Gwyneth Walker's Emily! From New England, words by Emily Dickinson

Hear the full album on:

Michelle and Dana at a piano in Ganz Concert Hall

Michelle and Dana in Ganz Concert Hall

Meet the Team

Michelle Areyzaga, soprano

Dana Brown, piano

Aaron Gottl, producer

Shelby Lock in the Studio

Shelby Lock, mix and mastering engineer

Matthew Peckham, recording engineer