Press, Features, & Speaking Engagements
"A Matter of Time by Shelby Lock," Review by Steve Sheppard of One World Music Radio - November 17, 2022

"Shelby Lock has manifested one of the most inventive, exciting, and powerful solo piano pieces I have heard for utterly ages, with her latest single A Matter Of Time... What a pleasure it was to be allowed well over 4 minutes of musical mastery to just enjoy this breath-taking encounter. A Matter of Time by Shelby Lock is something amazing to experience,"
Kennedy Center Debut: Open Doors Festival - August 20, 2022

I made my debut at The Kennedy Center, performing my pieces “Acadia” and “A Matter of Time” as part of Open Circle Theatre’s Open Doors Festival. The Open Doors Festival is a celebration of artists of all disciplines who are disabled and/or d/Deaf. The performance can be viewed at the video above.
Wavy Music News by The Wavy Awards features artists from historically excluded groups such as women, LGBTQ+ people, BIPOC, and people with disabilities. This week, they featured Shelby Lock's new single "A Matter of Time" as part of their ongoing efforts to highlight diverse talent and as part of ME/CFS Awareness Week. They shared both the single and the story behind it. The Wavy Awards are a partner of RAMPD (Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities), of which Shelby is a professional member.

Nashville Voyager interviews Shelby Lock about her career so far and where she's going next. It also discusses the obstacles she has overcome along the way. A couple of excerpts:
"I am a mix engineer, composer, and pianist. I specialize in mixing acoustic music genres such as classical and folk... I’m always thinking in terms of how to use my skills to support what an artist is trying to say. I’m told that what sets me apart is that my mixes are very musical, and I’m detail-oriented without sacrificing the big picture. As a composer, I understand how to build and shape a song, and as an engineer, I know what techniques I can best use to do that..."
"It’s hard for most people to imagine what it was like to be a full-time conservatory student one day, and just a few weeks later, not even be able to sit up for any length of time, let alone go for a walk, cook, or drive myself... Today, I’m in a much better place physically and mentally, and somehow everything has worked out in my career... I prefer to say that I didn’t 'overcome' my disability. I learned to thrive with it. Now I use my experiences to advocate for others..."
"Alumni Interview with Shelby Lock," presented by the Belmont University Audio Engineering Society Student Section and Belmont Women in Audio - April 4, 2022

Event description: AES and Women in Audio are excited to co-sponsor a talk from Belmont graduate Shelby Lock! Shelby is a mix engineer, composer, and pianist who works with acoustic and classical artists throughout America and beyond. She is Owner of the Charlottesville-area recording and mixing studio River Rock Records and Lead Engineer for Chicago-based Atlas Arts Media. A three-time Finalist in the American Prize in Composition (Student Division) and Winner of the Nashville Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2016 Composition Competition, Shelby holds a B.S. in Audio Engineering Technology and a B.M. in Music Composition from Belmont University. Shelby was recently featured in the AES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Editorial Initiative, highlighting her work and achievements alongside advocacy for disabled engineers.
Audio Engineering Society, Diversity and Inclusion Editorial Initiative: Shelby Lock - February 15, 2021

Shelby Lock is featured in the first edition of the AES's Diversity and Inclusion Editorial Initiative. She shares her story of being a working audio engineer with a disability and offers suggestions for how to make the audio industry more inclusive.
"Above all else, accessibility means not making negative assumptions about a person’s skills just because they happen to be disabled... Being able-bodied is not the ultimate litmus test for being a good engineer. We must let people sink or swim in our industry not based on their health status, but based on their skills, work ethic, and attitude."
Audio Engineering Society Inside Track - 3rd Quarter 2020
Garry Gottlieb, VP for the Eastern USA/Canada Region interviews prominent AES members for their work both inside and outside the Society. Shelby Lock is interviewed as Virginia Events Coordinator for the District of Columbia Section in an exclusive video for AES members.
Belmont University: "Lock Named as Finalist for American Prize in Composition" - March 12, 2018
Belmont University: "Lock Receives Multiple Recognitions for Classical Composition Work" - April 7, 2017
The Daily Progress: "Albemarle County Composer's New String Quartet Will Premiere at Wintergreen Festival" - July 9, 2015
The Piano Cloud: "Editor's Choice: Shelby Lock 'Lirio'" - December 28, 2014
“'Lirio,' which is the first release from a forthcoming brand new piano solo album from Shelby, is a wonderfully beautiful and refreshing piece which manages to combine an epic flow with a genuine sense of optimism that one would expect from the young artist enjoying her first flush of recognition and success." - Andrew Eales
WINA 1070: Interview with Lily Garay and Shelby Lock - November 25, 2012
GRAMMY® in the Schools: "Open Mic Night Dazzles" - July 14, 2012
"The highlights of the night came from several individual artists, who stood out even amongst their exceptional peers. Shelby Lock’s 'Airborne' composition on piano was haunting, peaceful, and beautiful. The intricate notes and patterns seemed to all fit together into a complex harmony..." - Nicole A. Powell